Grow your faith. Sharpen your training. Let Scripture unfold in a new way.
Pastors need continual intellectual and spiritual growth. We hope that you will find that with us.
This year, we will explore these questions:
What happens when people who believe they are saved by grace through faith are faced with the concrete ethical challenge of climate change?
What is a Lutheran doctrine of creation anyway?
Does creation care form our faith in God, and our understanding of God?
How does Scripture enrich our understanding of climate change and the role of human beings in tending and destroying the earth?
How do worship and liturgy lead us to care for creation?
How do I green my congregation?
Come explore these questions with Dr. Larry Rasmussen, former Reinhold Niehbur Professor of Ethics at Union Theologial Seminary and author of Earth-honoring Faith: Religious Ethics in a New Key, Rev. Dr. H. Paul Santmire, pastor and author of Before Nature: A Christian Spirituality, and Terra Rowe, doctoral student in Theological and Philosophical Studies at Drew University.
What is TCEK?
TCEK is actually theological continuing education, which uses the church’s rich heritage to shed light on contemporary challanges.
Theological Continuing Education at Koinonia forms faith and shapes ministry. Join us!
This event is funded in part by a generous Leadership Development Grant from the Metropolitan New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
The greatest asset a pastor has is faith, supplementd by training in theology and Bible. Still, training needs continual sharpening, and faith needs to grow--even for pastors.
TCEK happens April 25th-April 28th, 2016.
TCEK happens at Koinonia, a Lutheran retreal and renewal center near Highland Lake, New York.